
21-year-old student who enjoys eating spicy food, playing Video games, reading perspectives, watching Animated and Real life TV shows and Youtube videos on cooking and baking.

+61 432-678-592

Trideep Lal Das – Macquarie University Student and Future Software Engineer.

I am Trideep Lal Das, a student in Macquarie University in Australia doing a Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering. I am currently in the works of my first proper Github project relating to coding add-ons for video games. I have a soft spot for Algorithms and I aim to get better everyday at coding in Java.

If I’m not coding or working you can always find me either learning something new to add to my skillset, thinking about a new project, picking up a new series, playing some video game or watching YT videos on cooking and baking.

GitHub Projects

Macquarie Job Scheduler


A job scheduler that uses the concept of Socket Programming to get jobs from a server to a client which is then scheduled based on various implemented algorithms.



A GUI that lets you see Arbitrage opportunities all coded in Java. Use of RESTful API, SQL Connectors, JSON Parsing and Swing Library to create a seemless GUI interaction while having a backend for data analysis purposes.

Algorithms and Data Structure Repository


This is a collection of Algorithms and Data structures that I have learnt over the years.

Past Experiences

Temporary Assistant at ​IDP Education
(Dec 2016 – Jan 2017)
Did regular administrative duties, handled promotional ads sent by Universities, administered student visa applications.

Salesperson at ​Brew Teas
(Oct 2014 – Dec 2016)
Handled certain vendor locations especially during holidays and festivals, managing the sale of products to customer and its respective cash flow.

Kitchen Staff at Rockwall Grill & Bistro
(Jan 2017 – Feb 2019)
Started out as a dishwasher, then handled food prep and staff meals on a rotation each week, kept the kitchen clean, plated food to be served to customers and taught to prepare certain dishes such as the restaurant’s special dressing sauce and sorbets.

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